According to a 2012 study titled “The Social and Economic Impact of Poor Vision” conducted by The Boston Consulting Group and Essilor, 30% of children experience vision problems that have a significant impact in terms of long-term health, school performance and emotional/social development. Visual difficulties affect children’s ability to learn (three times more likely to fail at least one grade1), resulting in academic under-achievement and risk of reduced adult literacy. This has a significant impact on professional and social fulfillment.
Vision problems cause developmental difficulties and have been linked to anti-social /delinquent behavior. In the USA, up to 70% of juvenile offenders have undiagnosed vision problems.
Access to eyeglasses and resulting good vision at school can be considered as a true “passport for success” for children.
Specifically, within our target markets, Von’s Vision is endeavoring to overcome barriers for access to eye screenings as well as common barriers for children to wear corrective eyewear, including not feeling like their glasses are comfortable and trendy.
inception, Von's Vision has provided more than 5.1 million dollars in vision
care and eye wear to over 8,500 kids.
